Sunday, August 30, 2009

Preparing the soil

Today after nap time Trey took kid duty and I headed out to the garden. Not only to get it ready for this next planting, but also for some much needed stress relief. I was excited to learn that we have two planting seasons here in East Texas, I am a newbie this is my first year gardening. I love the whole process so far, I am a country girl at heart. I love being able to feed my family yummy fresh veggies and not having to pay a fortune for organic at the grocery store. I also love the time outside and the kids being able to help and watch things grow. It is a GREAT learning experience for them and they get so excited when we have fruits and veggies to harvest.

This is what I will be calling our Fall garden, even thought it doesn't feel anything like Fall. Yes, I am running a little behind schedule, but sometimes around here you just have to roll with the punches. I added 3 bags of cow manure and 3 bags of black humus so hopefully our Fall harvest will be better than our spring/summer. So, the garden is ready for planting and hopefully I can get it done in the next couple of days, health willing.

Sick babies

We had a pretty crazy week. Two trips to see Dr. Chang or "Change" as the girls affectionately call him. Monday we headed down I-45 to check on Samuel's tummy. He has been having tummy problems since about 12 months, but the week before was really bad! Enough is enough! So he is now on lactose free milk. I have not seen the desired change yet, but hopefully he will be better soon. Other than his diaper he was fine on Monday. Abigail started complaining of her tummy hurting on Monday afternoon and became lethargic and started losing her appetite. Also in the meantime Hannah gets a cough. Hannah's cough continues to get worse through out the week and Abigail gets to the point were she is not eating anything. On Thursdays morning Abigail starts crying and screaming saying that her tummy hurts. She was very insistent and it went on for long enough that it was more than I could handle. Just in case you were wondering the screams and crying were not accompanied by a sweet happy disposition! So needless to say we head back to Huntsville for an 11:30 appointment for Abigail and they also squeezed Samuel in. The Dr. prescribed Samuel an antibiotic for Bronchitis but said we would just need to watch Abigail, there is a stomach virus going around. Thursday afternoon Abigail starts coughing and really sounds congested! So, I start both she and Hannah on a decongestant. Friday morning Samuel is already starting to seem better from his first dose of meds the night before but both Hannah and Abigail are getting worse by the minute. Hannah hangs in but Abigail's condition continues to go south. Friday evening one of our good friends had a small wedding with family and friends. Selfishly I guess,We decide to we will attend and just leave if necessary if the kids are grouchy, we did not want to miss the BIG event. Abigail is struggling so hard to breathe by this point that she is engaging her abdomen with every breath she takes. We give her a breathing treatment before we leave and take it with us in the car in case we need it. On the car ride to the ceremony she coughs so hard that she gags herself and throws up all over beautiful dress. Thankfully she had not been eating and it was mostly milk. The sweet hostess lets me borrow her bathroom sink and I rinsed her dress and through it in the dryer. Did I mention that it is pouring outside and we that we had to run through the rain to get inside. I gave Abigail a few sips of juice in the laundry room while we were checking on the dress and an few minutes later it is on the floor. She is gasping so hard for air at this point that she is making herself nauseous, we have seen this before. We put the gang back in the car and drive off into the sunset. We miss the reception but thankfully Trey was able to stay just long enough to hear Mark say, "I DO". Abigail falls asleep on the car ride home and then we give her another treatment before bed. But I made her sleep in out bed, with no complaints on her part, just so that I could make sure she was breathing okay. Trey gave her a treatment at 4:00am and we have been giving her treatment pretty much around the clock since Friday night. Of course Samuel ,the original sick one, was his normal "smiling" self all week, even in the midst of his horrible sounding cough. What a SUPER SPORT!! Not as much can be said for Abigail and Hannah. I LOVE my babies, but, WOW, this Mama needs a vacation!!

here is a picture of how Abigail has spent most of her time over the past few days. Thankfully she does it willingly now that she is older. She also wanted me to take her picture, I guess she wanted it documented

The begining

It is official, I have started my blog :) I have been wanting to do this for a while now. I kept coming up with excusess why I was waiting. Our internet hoook up is supposed to be complete on Wednesday, so I decided to get busy. I love to write so this will be my outlet to share what is happening in my life.