Trey had class today so I tried to do some fun stuff for/ with the kids.
My girls are such Daddy's girls, especially Abigail, that when he is not home on days that she is used to having him (or "break days" as she calls them) she tends to be a little weepy; especially if he is not home at bedtime. Doing special or fun things tends to take our mind off how much we miss him. So to try and make the morning a little less sad, as Daddy walked out the door, I decided that I would surprise the kids with homemade donuts for breakfast.
I had never made homemade donuts before, but had been wanting to give it a try. I figured how hard could fried dough be. And with my new old school mindset, that anything homemade is better, I was bound to be successful. I had been looking for a recipe, so that I could check donut off the make from scratch list. I came across a fairly simple recipe in an issue of Better Home an Garden Magazine and it is the one I decide to wip up for my first try.
I prepared the dough on Friday night before bed and it chilled in the "ice box" over night. *Side note: Abigail actually called it an ice box the other day. I was a little proud :) Maybe she will end up
getting something from me.
Then this morning, while waiting for my coffee to brew, all I had to do was roll out the dough and heat the oil. I used my new candy thermometer for the first time.
They turned out pretty good for my first time and MOST importantly the kids were very excited. They LOVED them.
"Yummy!" |
Hannah admiring the sprinkles |
Finger licking good |
This was my first time to submerge anything in a pot of boiling fat. Serious question..."What do I do with all the leftover oil?"
I like donuts as much as the next guy but ,WOW, that was a LONG post about donuts!