Friday, February 18, 2011


The Krum's are excited to announce that we are expecting our 5th child.  Not only are we having another baby BUT Samuel will have a baby Brother! YEAH!!!! We are all very excited! Cant you tell

Baby boy #2 is due July 19th .  Which actually means that I will have him probably sometime around mid August.  NO, just kidding, but I would be willing to beat that I will go past, several days past, my due date. 

The kids were with us at the appointment on Wednesday and got to see their new baby brother on the ultra-sound.  It was neat to watch their reactions to the images on the screen. The girls wanted another boy, so they were excited :)

Today Hannah wanted to play "baby Doctor".  She was definitely paying attention at the visit.  She even tucked a cloth into my pants so that I did not get the gel on my clothes and told me, "Have a good week!" at the end of my check up :) SO precious!

Baby boy #2 has not been named yet, there are a few ideas floating around.  I told Abigail, do not say Brudus... I will NOT name him Brudus! No offense if your name or someone that you love has that lovely name. 

I will try and keep you updated on name and all the baby preparation that will be going on around these parts.  Happy Baby making everyone :)

Rebekah 9 months old

I realized that I have not update on Rebekah in a LONG time, so I figured I better do that.

I am with her all the time so I forget that everyone else in the world is not delighted by her bright beautiful blue eyes and red hair on a daily basis like we are.  Yes, old friends that is right, Sarah Pyle Krum still has a redish hair blue eyed baby.  I know it is HARD to believe.

AND oh her LAUGH, cutest thing ever!!!

She is much smaller than her brother and sisters but thankfully is growing again, she dropped off the chart for a while. We have been busy working to fatten her up. Her legs are starting to blossom the beautiful baby leg rolls. Oh, I could just eat them up!

She is crawling, has been since about 4 months, standing but has not taking any steps toward walking yet.

She is on formula, nursing is something I had to give up when she drastically dropped off the growth chart, and eating table food.

She is affectionately known by her siblings as, "Baby Abekah".  None of them can say their "Rs", Yeah I gave them that.  She is doted on by her Daddy as often as he can get his hands on the pretty little thing.  To say I LOVE her well, that is an understatement :)

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

School Milestone

Yeah!!!! So exciting, Abigail read her first book today.

It is a book in the Step into Reading program series. Too Many Cats, by Lori Haskins Houran

I LOVE these.

When we finished the book she got lots of hugs and of course a treat that she could eat :) And of course we called her Daddy and our "school librarian" to share the news.  Most importantly... She was SO proud of herself!! She said, " I did it! I finally read a book!"

So, maybe all our work has paid off and just maybe I can do this homeschool thing after all.

Monday, February 14, 2011

154 Days of Valentines

Febuary 1st each year starts the "14 Days of Valentines" for my Trey and I. He was a totally unexpected recipient of " The 14 days" that first year.  I still remember knocking on the door of his apartment with the baked good in my hand and the smile on his face when I said, "Welcome to the first day of Valentines!" This year we are married for ten years and plus the year of our engagement, equals 154 days of Valentines.  WOW, that is a lot of Valentines! It is a tradition that I started the year that we got engaged and we have "vowed" to continue it as a means to show our kiddos that True Love Never Ends and that their Mommy and Daddy are still crazy in love with one another :)

Here is how it works:

We alternate years and one of us creates a Valentine for each days, which usually contains a treat that we eat. The way to a Krum's heart really is through their stomach, we like to eat!  Most of the "cards" have been homemade but have ranged from card to, homemade puzzles, riddle with clues to finally be solved on the last day, to memory books with pages distributed each day.  The person that is not making the "cards" is in charge of planning the actually Valentines Day celebration. We have had fun through the years, some years better/more creative than others, but we have not missed a year yet. 

Happy Valentines day to my First and only Love!

Monday, February 7, 2011

January 2011

Seems like we spent all of January either sick or holding our breath hoping that the child that seemed peuney wasnt about to get whatever "junk" was going around.  We there was a lot of avoiding public placed where sick people linger and we missed every week of Church.  So, as you can imagine, Can you imagine? Can you imagine my life?,  Not a lot of exciting things happened around here.  Some VERY great news though, we finally have a renter for our Huntsville house, PRAISE the LORD!!! It is still on the market, Please pray for God's will in that situation.  Here's to a happier New Year.