So it seems I am a late bloomer in the reading department. My poor mom tried so hard to instill a love for reading in both my brother and I. She is one of those people that is always reading, riding in the car, on the boat, with the TV on, always and anywhere. Well until recently she had just missed the mark. I realize now it was a focus thing for me. Even if I thought a book was good, it was never good enough to keep my attention over all the other things in my life. I have always read Non fictions Christian books, but just within the last 2 years have I started reading Fiction. I started out reading juvenile fiction but have since stepped it up a notch and read a few classics, you know those ones we were all supposed to read in High School. I now LOVE to read! I just finished my first "grown up" fiction novel

It was fantastic. If you have not read it I highly recommend it! I am now finishing a Non-fiction Christian book that I started several months again. Which, I also highly recommend to all of you homeschooling mothers out there. It is a Fantastic encouraging read!

and I have started another Grisham novel. That's right people, two books at once! I am my mothers daughter!
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