Friday, October 30, 2009
Big Girl

Thursday, October 29, 2009
F week

Puppets complete.
Then, I went online and clip art and found pics of all the bugs that Frog eats, roughly cute them out, and glued them to index cards so they would be more sturdy. I let them dry over night and then cut them out again. The bug making step was a little time consuming but worth it for the excitement my kids had.

Abigail counting her bugs.

Taking a break from counting to watch Sister feed her Frog. I was glad to see that Hannah did not change her method when she saw the way that Abigail was doing hers. Yeah for independent thinkers! :)

Hannah feeding her frog.
Abigail feeding her frog one of the 5 snails.
I am so glad that I get to watch them learn!! :)
Thankful Thursday "F"
This weeks letter is "F"
I am thankful for...
1. Family. I love my Family so much and truly value Family and the love we share.
2. Friends that are like family.
3. Fellowship that I have with my Brothers and Sisters through Jesus Christ.
4. Food, yeah I like, I should be honest and say love, to eat :)
Happy Thursday!
Monday, October 26, 2009
Fall festival

Review Week

Welcoming Fall

Friday, October 16, 2009
First fall Harvest

I was even able to use my garden table that Trey had built for me at work. Yeah! Thanks to Better Home and Garden for this great project idea. And Thanks Shnookums for making it happen! We had an old sink that wasn't being used. The plumbing is hooked straight up to a hose. The idea is that you use this as your wash station after you pick so that you don't have to get your kitchen all dirty.

carrots and cauiflour
acorn squash that I am afraid will start taking over the garden soon
Sick leave
Poor Hannah was REALLY sick!! At one point, after being sick for several days, she was bent over the potty and in complete exhaustion said, "Mama, please I don't want to get sick anymore!" Oh, broke me heart! And one night she was so exhausted that she threw up all over her self in her sleep and didn't even wake up :( Thank the LORD I heard her get sick and Trey and I went to her aide. She was one sad baby when we woke her up!
After five days of not eating, or when she did throwing it up, and almost constant diarrhea; we started seeing improvement. She got her appetite back on Wednesday and made it a whole 24 hrs with out throwing up. We have been seeing definite improvement in the bottom area since then also. She really seems to be feeling better I am sure it will just take a while for her tummy to get back to normal. I only had symptoms for less than 24hrs and it took a week for my tummy to feel normal again.
There were times when I wasn't sure I was gonna make it through. There was one pretty desperate late night phone call to my mom in there, thanks for listening Mama! But by God's grace and the strength that only He can provide we made it through the storm. It definitely wasn't pretty and it did NOT have a sweet aroma but we made it through.
On a happier note while Sister Hannah was sick and Brother was under house arrest as a precaution, Abigail got to have some great one on one time with both Trey and I. She went to Church with Trey on Sunday and they got to have a fun lunch date after service. Tuesday she helped me clean at the church and we ran some errands. Fun quality time with our Sweet Pea who is growing up so fast.

* thought this picture was too cute not to include. This is a candid shot of Abigail, that Trey took, as she tried to shove a Giant chocolate donut into her mouth on Sunday morning. It makes me smile and make my mouth water every time I look at it. Like mother like daughter I guess :)