There has been a lot of sickness in the parts and in our family. Last Sunday night I had some tummy issues. Trey took Monday morning off so that we could take the kids to get their flu shots and Abigail had one random throw up before we left but then was fine for the rest of the day. Tuesday morning Trey started getting sick and was sick all day at work. He stayed home Wednesday and Thursday and was really sick all day and night. On Thursday afternoon he started running a fever and really bad cough. So, I
quarantined him to the bedroom and I slept on the couch. Friday he went to the DR. and diagnosis was
intestinal track infection and
Bronchitis. Thankfully he was fever free for over 24 hours on Sunday morning and the rest of us managed to stay well despite missing Daddy. So last night was magical, I slept in my own comfy bed again, clean disinfected bed at that. This morning I made Treys lunch, made cinnamon sugar toast for breakfast, started the laundry, disinfected TV and
XBOX controllers, put dinner in the crock pot AND all before 9 o'clock. Amazing what a goods night sleep will do!
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