Sunday, November 22, 2009

Cruise Day #2 Monday

Monday morning we woke up to a rocking boat. Abigail and I stayed in bed and Trey took Hannah down for breakfast. He arrived back in the room feeling sick :( Our poor Abigail got sick twice but thankfully Hannah seemed unaffected. So, Hannah spent the day with Sarah Seale. She called to check on us and thankfully she was not feeling sick either so she offered to come get Hannah. They had a fun day. Here is a picture of the rest of us trying to recuperate *at least we can still smile, for the camera. You can see the nausea in Trey's eyes and I am looking pretty pale.

Things really calmed down by 3:00pm and we decided to get out and check on sister. We picked up sister and got a snack since we hadn't eaten all day. Then we headed to the room to get ready for dinner. Dinner was our first formal night, we had a great time! We had two adorable princesses at our table care of "Sedah"

After dinner all the girls went to the show or to see the "dancers"Abigail and Hannah really enjoyed the show. But Hannah got too sleepy to stay the whole time, she told me she was ready for night night, so I to her to the room. Abigail finished the show and had some hang out time with Pauwa. Here is Hannah with our first towel friend. She was very impressed.

Even with the rough waters we still had a great first day at Sea! But, Thank the LORD for calming the Sea!!

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