After the picnic we headed home for showers and some quick rest time before we headed back to Huntsville for dinner at "Cowboy Mark's" house. The rain kept us from visiting the cows this time but we had a delicious BBQ dinner, the girls played with Mark and Leslie's daughter and Samuel helped entertain the crowd between rounds. Yes, it was a fight night. Rebekah is such an easy sweet baby. she was just happy being passed around and then finally passed out on the quest bed. So, I was actually able to stay awhile and enjoy the festivities. It was a nice treat considering I thought that I would be taking the kids home shortly after "normal" bedtime.
Sunday after our normal nap routine Trey grilled a delicious dinner and then we headed into New Waverly for the firework show. Rebekah was a little worn out from our Saturday night party so I held her in the car while she tried to sleep. The show was impressive considering, well considering that this is just New Waverly, TX. We had a FUN filled exhausting weekend.
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